Pre-64 Circulated Silver Coins
- As genuine USA currency that circulated in the hands of the public for almost 175 years, 90% silver coins have always been a trusted and easily-transferred store of value. After 1965, the US government introduced coins made of copper and nickel in an effort to reduce the costs of minting. Since that time, collectors have been removing the old coins from circulation gradually because of their higher value, making them extremely rare to find in one’s pocket today. Today, we offer convenient bags of miscellaneous junk silver coins, also known as scrap silver coins, with a face value of $1000 and over 700 troy ounces of silver. Denominations and dates on the coins will vary, but dimes, quarters and half dollars are found in these bags. If you are starting a silver collection or adding silver to your portfolio, junk silver bags are a great way to go.
Coin Details
• Manufacturer: US Mint
• Minting Location: N/A
• Denomination: $1000
• Silver Content: 715 Troy oz
• Metal Purity: .900
• Thickness: varies
• Diameter: varies
Coin Design
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