
Gold Market News

Palantir Buys $50 Mil in Gold Bars As Hedge Against black swan Event
In the last century alone, we’ve experienced a handful of “black swan” events. So what is it exactly? Throughout...
Barrick Gold CEO: No One Believes In Fiat Currencies Any More
In the past twelve to sixteen months, we’ve learned just how quickly things can change in life and we’re...
Biden's $3.5 Trillion Plan to Tax the Rich
A man walks into a cafe and says, “Dinners on me, who’s paying?” We thought this joke...
Goldman Sachs: Gold is Undervalued, Could Hit as High as $2,500
Wouldn’t it be nice to go to sleep at night not affected by a crash on the stock market or a pandemic? That’s...
Gold: Where is it Headed? The Trillion Dollar Question
Gold continues to be a talking point in the financial world. The question is where is it headed from...
Stock Market: Here's Why Stocks Are “Very Dangerous” Right Now
There are a lot of risks swirling around right now in the stock market. When we look back to previous...
Inflation & The Fed: Substantial Progress Is Still A Ways Off
You don’t need to have a degree in economics or be a financial analyst to know that rising inflation...
Is the US Headed Towards Another Recession?
Rising inflation, extreme housing prices (that only seem to be increasing), the cost of gas up 40% in...
Gold Could Test New Highs Again This Year
In June, gold came close to revisiting its all-time high levels met in 2020 hovering at around $1,900...
Is the Dollar Doomed?
The future of the dollar is not looking so bright. According to many investors and the so-called bond...
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