



Gold’s Strength in Times of Conflict

Gold's Strength in Times of Conflict

Gold Rises as Conflict Escalates In recent weeks, gold has made headlines, surging to a 13-week high. The driving force behind this rally? The conflict in the Middle East. Gold has always been seen as a safe haven during uncertain times, and this recent spike in demand reaffirms its status as a crisis hedge. A … Read more

Don’t Count on the Housing Market

Don't Count on the Housing Market

  • The housing market is frozen in ‘gridlock’: not getting worse but not getting better
  • High interest rates are dampening sales, keeping prices elevated, limiting supply, and increasing foreclosures
  • With home equity becoming inaccessible, people are turning to physical precious metals for long-term stores of wealth

The American Dream of Homeownership Put on Hold

The American Dream of home ownership continues to be deferred. A once reliable long-term store of wealth is escaping the grasp of most Americans. As mortgage rates race to 8%, mortgage demand has plummeted to its lowest point in three decades. Housing affordability is now worse than it was during the peak of the 2008 housing bubble. And real estate experts fear the only thing that can fix the situation stands in direct opposition to the policy that created the problem in the first place.1

Overall Housing Market Decline

The slide in the housing market is primarily due to the increase in interest rates. The average rate for a 30-year loan has been on the rise six consecutive weeks. It is now reaching 7.7%. This figure is the highest it’s been since November 2000. In comparison, the average rate stood at 3.9% before the pandemic hit. The Fed has hinted at yet another rate hike this year. There is an expectation that rates will remain high for an extended period of time.2

In response to the Fed’s aggressive interest rate hikes, there has been a dramatic shift in application volumes. The Mortgage Bankers Association’s index of mortgage applications fell a staggering 6.9% in the last week. They dropped to levels last seen in 1995. Application volume has shrunk by 21% compared to the same time the previous year. The demand for refinancing is no exception. It has fallen by 10% over the past week, down 12% from the same period last year.3

Affordability and Inventory

Goldman Sachs Housing Affordability Index4

High mortgage rates are having a direct impact on housing affordability and inventory. Homeowners are hesitant to sell their properties. Those who locked in low mortgage rates now find themselves unwilling to sell while rates hover near two-decade highs. Consequently, there is a shortage of available homes for potential buyers, resulting in a surplus of demand.

The shortage of homes on the market has led to a plummet in sales. In 2021, mortgage rates had dropped to the mid-2% range, leading to a surge in home sales. However, after the spike in mortgage rates, sales have significantly decreased. This year is on pace for a 17% decline from 2022.5

Real estate experts suggest that the housing market will not rebound until more homes are available. Available home supply remains down by a staggering 45.1% compared to pre-pandemic levels. This scenario is unlikely to change until mortgage rates fall to at least the mid-5% range, according to experts.6

Homebuilders are unable to construct new homes quickly enough to alleviate the housing shortage, which has led to a gridlock in the housing market. The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index, which measures the pulse of the single-family housing market, has fallen for the third straight month, dropping by 5 points to 40. This is the lowest reading since January 2023, and any reading below 50 is considered negative.7

Home builders are doing everything in their power to attract buyers, including cutting prices. In October, 32% of builders reported cutting home prices to encourage sales. Typically, a near tripling of mortgage rates over such a short period would result in lower home prices as buyers can only afford so much. However, the scarcity of supply is keeping prices inflated. Homeowners are only selling if there is a life event necessitating a move, such as a death, divorce, or relocation for work.

The Fed’s Housing Market Trap

Experts in the real estate market have pointed out the paradox that the Federal Reserve and the housing market find themselves in. Although high interest rates were intended to combat inflation, they are preventing builders from increasing the housing supply. Thereby, reducing demand pressure and lowering prices. In the realm of housing, lowering rates would actually reduce inflation. Robert Dietz, Chief Economist of the National Association of Home Builders, stated, “Boosting housing production would help reduce the shelter inflation component that was responsible for more than half of the overall Consumer Price Index increase in September and aid the Fed’s mission to bring inflation back down to 2%. However, uncertainty regarding monetary policy is contributing to affordability challenges in the market.”8

Devyn Bachman, Senior Vice President of Research at John Burns Research and Consulting, stressed, “In order for the market to recover, we need more inventory. The only way we’re going to receive that inventory is if or when mortgage rates retreat.”9

Don't Count on the Housing Market

Other Concerns

Adding to these concerns is the increase in home foreclosures across the nation. They have surged by 34% compared to the same time last year, according to real estate data provider ATTOM. Their data shows that foreclosure filings have spiked by 28% in the third quarter. Analysts fear the problem may worsen with the resumption of student loan payments.10

A poll conducted by Pulsenomics revealed that most economists believe that homeownership rates will be affected for at least a year by the resumption of student loan payments. In total, borrowers will resume paying approximately $10 billion a month, posing a significant challenge to the stability of the housing market.


As the deputy chief economist at First American Financial Corp said, “This market is anything but normal.”11 The housing market is facing a challenging gridlock, with the root of the issue stemming from interest rate hikes aimed at curbing inflation. While homeowners watch their home equity grow, it remains locked in without an opportunity to access it without losses due to high mortgage rates. In such times of uncertainty, people should consider seeking additional pillars of support for their retirement. One solution that can weather the storm of interest rate hikes is a Gold IRA. Offering safety, stability, and long-term preservation of portfolio value, it stands as a reliable alternative to personal real estate in an unpredictable housing market. Contact us today at 800-461-0071 to learn more.

1. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/mortgage-demand-plummets-new-three-decade-low-rates-race
2. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/mortgage-demand-plummets-new-three-decade-low-rates-race
3. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/mortgage-demand-plummets-new-three-decade-low-rates-race
4. https://unusualwhales.com/news/housing-affordability-in-the-us-is-near-all-time-lows-per-goldman-sachs
5. https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/the-housing-market-is-in-gridlock-and-why-its-not-getting-better-or-worse/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20housing%20market%20is%20in,better%20than%20the%20resale%20market.
6. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/mortgage-demand-plummets-new-three-decade-low-rates-race
7. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/homebuilder-sentiment-continues-downward-spiral-spike-mortgage-rates
8. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/homebuilder-sentiment-continues-downward-spiral-spike-mortgage-rates
9. https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/the-housing-market-is-in-gridlock-and-why-its-not-getting-better-or-worse/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20housing%20market%20is%20in,better%20than%20the%20resale%20market.
10. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/home-foreclosures-upswing-nationwide
11. https://www.realtor.com/news/trends/the-housing-market-is-in-gridlock-and-why-its-not-getting-better-or-worse/#:~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20housing%20market%20is%20in,better%20than%20the%20resale%20market.

70’s Style Stagflation Could Harm Your Financial Future

70's Style Stagflation Could Harm Your Financial Future

  • War, oil shocks, and stubborn inflation has some analysts predicting a return to ’70s-style stagflation
  • High interest rates are stagnating the economy along with prolonged inflation expectations
  • Market makers advise minimizing market risk and exposure, in the way physical precious metals can

Analysts Warn of Stagflation Threat

With trouble in the Middle East, spiking oil prices, and skyrocketing inflation, it’s like we’re in a 1970’s flashback. But instead of a return to disco, the US is facing a return to stagflation – the dreaded economic condition characterized by stagnant economic growth, high unemployment, and simultaneously high inflation.

Stagflation is when the economy gets caught in a trap. Imagine you have two levers: one for taming inflation, and the other for boosting economic growth. Pulling one lever, say, to control inflation, often ends up pushing the other in the wrong direction, potentially making the recession worse while trying to combat rising prices, and vice versa. It’s like trying to fix one thing and accidentally breaking another. The only solution that seems to work is essentially breaking the whole machine and starting from scratch.

Warning from JPMorgan Chase

Jamie Dimon is the CEO of JPMorgan Chase. He sees potential stagflation on the horizon. His forecast is tied into his belief that interest rates may break 7%. Dimon’s worries come from the impact that higher interest rates have on debt repayment. Higher interest rates can make repaying debt more expensive. This adds financial stress on individuals and businesses. When interest rates rise significantly, the risk and number of loan defaults also increases. Dimon calculates a 7% interest rate could be devastating to an economy.1

Deutsche Bank Prediction

Deutsche Bank also fears a return to ’70’- style stagflation. Deutsche Bank sees current parallels with that decade – unrest in the Middle East, anemic growth, stubborn inflation, and labor unrest.

The last decade of US inflation mirrors 1966 to 19762

Between 1973 and 1983, GDP rates plummeted. Inflation averaged 11.3% and there was an
oil price shock caused by war. Today, the Russia-Ukraine war lifted oil prices from around $80 per barrel at the start of 2022 to over $139 in just three months. Deutsch Bank analysts said, “These supply shocks caused serious difficulties for the economy, both in the 1970s and today, since they push up inflation and dampen growth at the same time.”3

The number of striking workers is also on the rise in a repeat of the 1970s. Actors, screenwriters, autoworkers, journalists, and more have all taken steps to push for higher wages to compensate for inflation. Fifty years ago, US workers struck to raise their wages by as much as 9% annually to compensate for rising prices. But some economists believe the persistent wage increases helped exacerbate inflation and fear current worker strikes could do the same.

Deutsche Bank analysts are concerned unchecked inflation expectations will lead to recession. Inflation expectations refer to people’s anticipations about the future rate of inflation. These expectations influence economic decisions such as spending, saving, and investing. If expectations aren’t contained, spending and investing could dry up. Recession would result.

Their stagflation warning was based on several other reasons. One is that is inflation is still above target in every G7 nation. US inflation started rising again in August. It grew at a faster clip than the 3.2% price growth recorded in July.

Second, a new price shock could easily set inflation expectations soaring. An oil crisis, grain failure, or even the predicted El Nino weather event could send the global economy into disarray.

Added to that is the sluggish rate of economic growth. Tighter financial conditions have begun to take a toll on the economy, and there’s little room for that to change. Increasing interest rates and higher borrowing costs are further dragging growth down. However, there is a difference between now and then. The US debt-to-GDP ratio has soared well-above what it was in the 1970s. The amount of fiscal stimulus that can be used to stoke economic growth has been severely limited. And that stimulus is even further restricted by sticky inflation.

Deutsche Bank concludes that the last stretch of the Fed’s inflation war is likely to be the hardest. As inflation inches closer to its target, markets are putting more pressure on the Fed to slash interest rates. Higher borrowing costs weigh heavily on asset prices. Factoring in the lag between hikes and effects, there is a risk the Fed could plunge the economy into recession. But if the Fed stops too soon, inflation will persist. And the country will find itself back in the middle of a stagflation crisis.

 70's Style Stagflation Could Harm Your Financial Future


Economic indicators are pointing to a repeat of the stagflation that plagued the 1970s. Pointing out the downward trajectory of the economy, Dimon said it would be a “significant misjudgment” to assume prolonged prosperity for the US economy.4 His comments underscore his belief that preparation is key when navigating uncertain economic waters. People should be working to avoid and minimize risk. One of the best ways to mitigate risk is with physical precious metals in a Gold IRA. Learn more about how you can protect the value of your portfolio from the dangers of stagflation by calling us today at 800-462-0071.

1. https://www.investing.com/news/economic-indicators/jpmorgan-ceo-jamie-dimon-warns-of-potential-7-interest-rate-hike-amid-stagflation-concerns-93CH-3185318
2. https://twitter.com/LHSummers/status/1695045318524440688
3. https://fortune.com/2023/10/09/israel-war-like-1970s-stagflation-risk-deutsche-bank-warns/
4. https://www.investing.com/news/economic-indicators/jpmorgan-ceo-jamie-dimon-warns-of-potential-7-interest-rate-hike-amid-stagflation-concerns-93CH-3185318

Blowout Jobs Report Threatens Economy

Blowout Jobs Report Threatens Economy

Unexpected Jobs Report Upends Economy In a surprising turn of events, the US job market showed unexpected growth in September. Despite the backdrop of high-interest rates and persistent inflation, employers added a staggering 336,000 jobs. That is almost double the forecasted amount. This report not only exceeded expectations but also included upward revisions for previous … Read more

Banks in Crisis: Your Money at Risk

Banks in Crisis: Your Money at Risk

  • The banking crisis is quietly persisting as bank stocks continue to slide
  • “Higher for longer” interest rates are destabilizing traditional sources of bank income
  • Banks are turning to unreliable ‘hot money’ (outside depositors) to stay afloat

Banking Crisis Continues

Now out of the limelight, the banking crisis continues. Surging interest rates are affecting their stability, profitability, and stock prices. The bond market upon which banks rely is eroding. This crisis isn’t just about banks; it affects consumers, government policies, and the overall financial stability of the nation.

Bank stocks are on pace for yearly losses as high interest rates take their toll. The S&P 500 financial sector was down 5.5% this year. Regional banks were hit harder. The S&P Regional Banking ETF was down about 32%.1

The downward slide accelerated when the Fed said it will keep interest rates higher for longer. Kathy Jones is the chief fixed-income strategist at Schwab Center for Financial Research. She said, “It’s fairly obvious it’s not good for banks. The rise in yields has just been relentless.”2

Bank stock prices have slumped in four of the last five years. That is according to the calculations of veteran bank analyst Dick Bove, chief financial strategist at Odeon Capital Group. Over that five-year period, only four of the 106 banks he follows have outperformed the S&P 500.3

Bond Market Troubles

The increase in longer-dated Treasury yields has largely wiped-out the US bond-market return for the year. The popular iShares Core US Aggregate Bond ETF recently closed at its lowest level since October 2008.

The higher yields on newly issued Treasury bonds erode the value of portfolios that include older bonds issued with lower rates. Old bonds are less valuable because the new ones are offering better returns. The value of bonds goes down when interest rates go up because of an inverse relationship between bond prices and interest rates. Here’s a simple way to understand it:

Imagine you have a bond that pays you a fixed interest rate, let’s say 3%. If you’re holding that bond and interest rates in the market suddenly rise to 4%, the new bonds are paying more interest than yours.

This means your bond, which pays less interest, is not as attractive to investors anymore. They can get better returns with new bonds. So, to make your bond more appealing in the secondary market, its price must drop. When its price drops, the effective interest rate it pays (relative to its new lower price) increases to be more competitive with the higher rates available in the market.

Banks in Crisis: Your Money at Risk

Other Factors

The uncertainty of the commercial real estate market is destabilizing some banks. Commercial property loans will be difficult to refinance as rates stay higher for longer.

Banks can see the trouble ahead. The Fed created an emergency lending fund for banks after the Silicon Valley Bank collapse. Demand on that fund spiked in September. Banks are bracing for recession by increasing their reserve levels. Reserves are at their highest in three decades. But that may not be enough to cover their exposure. Banks were exposed to an estimated $558.4 billion of unrealized losses in the second quarter from debts that are worth less than what they were bought for.4

Impact on Consumers

The growing bank risk forced the President to say the government would guarantee all deposits at all banks. Now the government is working to reduce the risky position it put itself in. They are trying to shrink bank exposure by raising the capital requirements needed to make loans. This, in turn, will make it harder for people to get mortgages, car loans and credit cards. Lending restrictions can lead to a negative loop that hurts a bank’s bottom line. The whole economy can suffer as people lose access to spending money.

‘Hot Money’

Availability of loans will become more difficult for another reason. Banks aren’t attracting and holding onto enough depositors. They aren’t making enough money to pay depositors a market rate.

Banks are turning to ‘hot money’ to fill in the gaps. Hot money is brokered deposits from outside firms that funnel large amounts of customers to higher-yielding certificates of deposit offered by banks. These deposits are typically more expensive for a bank. They cut into profits during a challenging time for many financial institutions.

'Hot Money' The Rise In Brokered Deposits Held by US Banks5

Brokered deposits across the banking industry surged to $1.2 trillion in the second quarter. That is up 86% from the same period the year before. They accounted for 6.5% of total US bank deposits, the highest percentage in four years.6

But reliance on ‘hot money’ presents a risk to banks. These new customers hold no loyalty to the banks and will leave during periods of stress. “There has been a significant increase in broker deposits in the banking system over the past year,” FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg said, “and they can present liquidity risk.”7

It’s not just the mid-sized banks. Big banks are taking in more hot money too. Among the country’s four largest banks, Wells Fargo’s concentration rose from near zero to 6.39%. Citigroup maintains the highest concentration of brokered deposits among the big four, at 9.54%.

Higher concentrations can be problematic according to Alexander Yokum, a regional bank analyst for CFRA. He said, “It’s symbolic that a bank’s core operations aren’t enough and it’s just less profitable.”8


In these uncertain times, it’s becoming increasingly clear that traditional banks may not be the safest haven for your hard-earned money. The banking crisis, lurking just out of the limelight, poses risks that can’t be ignored. Fortunately, there’s an alternative that has stood the test of time: gold. Unlike traditional currency, gold holds its value independently of the volatile banking and financial systems. If you’re looking to secure your financial future and protect your wealth, consider the stability and resilience of a Gold IRA from American Hartford Gold. It could be the smart choice for safeguarding your assets in an ever-changing economic landscape. Contact us today at 800-462-0071.

1. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/banks-are-bracing-for-a-recession-as-treasury-yields-surge/ar-AA1hDWk6
2. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/banks-are-bracing-for-a-recession-as-treasury-yields-surge/ar-AA1hDWk6
3. https://www.rockdalenewtoncitizen.com/arena/thestreet/banks-woes-are-bad-news-for-consumers-analyst-bove/article_11235d2f-9066-57ed-9fa9-eda88b76649e.html
4. https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/markets/banks-are-bracing-for-a-recession-as-treasury-yields-surge/ar-AA1hDWk6
5. https://www.aol.com/finance/banks-may-lean-costly-hot-110739812.html
6. https://www.aol.com/finance/banks-may-lean-costly-hot-110739812.html
7. https://www.aol.com/finance/banks-may-lean-costly-hot-110739812.html
8. https://www.aol.com/finance/banks-may-lean-costly-hot-110739812.html

401(k) at Risk: Volatility Spikes as Shutdown Threats Persist

401(k) at Risk: Volatility Spikes as Shutdown Threats Persist

Government Shutdown Averted, For Now The recent turmoil in Washington, with the looming threat of a government shutdown, has sent ripples of concern through financial markets and retirement savers alike. The United States government has managed to avert a shutdown, at least temporarily. Policymakers agreed on a short-term funding deal. This deal ensures that the … Read more

Social Security Shortfalls

Social Security Shortfalls

  • The Congressional Budget Office determined Social Security will need to cut benefits by 2034 when the trust fund goes broke
  • A solution from Congress isn’t anticipated soon because it would require benefits cuts or higher taxes
  • Advisors suggest preparing by protecting the value of savings with physical precious metals

Social Security Benefits Threatened

In the wake of demographic shifts and economic uncertainties, the specter of Social Security’s funding gap is casting a longer and longer shadow over the financial security of millions. Right now, one-quarter of US adults aged 50 or over have no retirement income outside of Social Security benefits. And unless there is significant action by Congress, most Americans are facing cuts in those benefits. Economists are emphasizing that people prepare now so they aren’t counting on benefits that might not exist when they need them.1

Americans are rapidly losing faith in the sustainability of Social Security. According to recent polls, 75% of adults aged 50 and older are worried Social Security will run out of funding in their lifetime. A further 24% of adults of all ages believe they won’t get a dime of benefits they have earned.2

To keep things in perspective, Social Security won’t run out of money entirely. But it is facing a massive financial shortfall. Social Security benefits are funded primarily through payroll taxes paid by current workers. Those taxes go to today’s beneficiaries. Payroll taxes aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. But they won’t be enough to completely cover future benefits.

Taxes haven’t fully funded Social Security in recent years. The SS Administration has been tapping its trust fund to bridge the gap and avoid cutting benefits. The trust fund is currently around $2.85 trillion.

The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) determined the trust fund will be exhausted as of 2034. After that, the program can only pay out as much as it takes in from payroll taxes. That is estimated to be around 80% of future benefits. So, retirees could expect a 20% cut in benefits if lawmakers can’t find a solution before then.3

Social Security Benefits Could be Cut By 20%4

The CBO noted the impact on starting benefits would be felt beginning with those born in 1969 (those turning 65 in 2034). For those born in the 1970s, there would be a 25% reduction in initial benefits. For those born in the 1980s, 26%. And 28% for those born in the 1990s (assuming you start taking benefits at 65). 5

Why the Shortfall

Social Security’s ticking time bomb can be traced to a few reasons. Birthrates have collapsed from the days of the baby boom. And people are living longer. So not as many people are paying into the system while more people are collecting benefits for longer.

Another factor contributing to the shortfall is the payroll tax cap. Incomes for the best paid 6% of earners rose by 62% from 1983 to 2000. For the other 94%, incomes rose by just 17%. The net result is that the lion’s share of US income growth was above the Social Security tax cap. All that income wasn’t subject to the program’s payroll taxes. The situation hasn’t changed. Last year, almost 20% of earnings weren’t subject to payroll taxes. An overall increase in wages during that time drove up benefits. But tax receipts didn’t keep pace. Some economists are now proposing to raise the cap or eliminating it altogether to help keep the fund solvent.6

Fixing the Problem

Despite headlines highlighting the program’s issues and its profound impact on all Americans, no action has been taken to address the problem thus far. Any changes to Social Security would require 60 votes in the Senate. Therefore, it would have to have agreement from both parties. But a solution would involve either raising taxes (by a third), cutting benefits (by a fourth), or a combination of both. Solutions that each party would vote against.

The Inflation Problem

Social Security has another problem besides benefit cuts. The benefits themselves have lost a substantial amount of buying power over the years. Social Security is designed to keep up with inflation. In most years, beneficiaries will receive a cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) to help benefits maintain their buying power.

However, inflation has consistently outpaced these COLAs. In fact, since 2000, Social Security has lost a whopping 40% of its buying power. If this trend continues, Social Security may be even less reliable in the future. If you’re expecting to depend on your monthly checks in retirement, it may be time to come up with a backup plan.7

Social Security Shortfalls


Financial advisors suggest there are ways to prepare for the Social Security shortfall. Off the bat, increasing your savings is a simple method to reduce your dependence on Social Security.

Another option is to consider delaying Social Security. Waiting until age 70 to start taking benefits will earn you at least 24% extra each month on top of your full benefit amount. That could potentially add up to hundreds of dollars per month. Since that adjustment is permanent, you’ll collect larger checks every month for the rest of your life.

An additional option to prepare for sharp cuts in benefits is to safeguard the value of your current retirement funds from inflation. You can investigate how physical precious metals such as gold and silver hedge against inflation. And if they are put in a Gold IRA, they also gain tax-advantages as they preserve your purchasing power. To learn more about how a Gold IRA can help safeguard your retirement from potential Social Security cuts, call us today at 800-462-0071.

1. https://www.fool.com/retirement/2023/09/19/is-social-security-going-bankrupt-most-older-adult/
2. https://www.fool.com/retirement/2023/09/19/is-social-security-going-bankrupt-most-older-adult/
3. https://www.fedweek.com/retirement-financial-planning/report-projects-possible-long-term-impacts-of-social-security-shortfall/
4. https://www.pgpf.org/sites/default/files/based-on-the-trustees-projections-combined-social-security-benefits-could-be-cut-by-20-percent-in-2034.jpg
5. https://www.fedweek.com/retirement-financial-planning/report-projects-possible-long-term-impacts-of-social-security-shortfall/
6. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/heres-the-real-cause-of-the-social-security-funding-shortfall-according-to-the-programs-chief-actuary-1a0e7d4b
7. https://www.fool.com/retirement/2023/09/19/is-social-security-going-bankrupt-most-older-adult/

Economy Up Against a Wall of Worries

Economy Up Against a Wall of Worries

Economy Hit by Powerful Headwinds The economy is running into a ‘wall of worries’ as it enters the fourth quarter. Hopes for inflation fading and rates dropping are falling. Federal Reserve Chair Powell summed up the risks facing investors heading into the fourth quarter. He said, “It’s the strike, it’s the government shutdown, resumption of … Read more

Rate Hikes Paused, For Now

Rate Hikes Paused, For Now

  • The Federal Reserve voted to keep interest rates at a 22-year high
  • Fed Chair Powell said to expect more hikes in the future as rates stay higher for longer
  • Stocks drop as hopes for rate cuts diminishes

Fed Hits the Pause Button on Rates

As predicted, the Federal Reserve chose not to raise interest rates again after their latest meeting. They voted to keep interest rates at their 22-year high. Since March 2022, the Fed has lifted interest rates 11 times and held them steady twice, including September’s pause.
Even with a temporary break, the rate hikes are still impacting the stock market, gold, and retirement funds.

Fed Pauses Rate Hikes But Signals More to Come1

Fed Policy Statement Changes

The Federal Reserve Policy statement is a periodic announcement by the Federal Reserve that outlines its decisions on key interest rates and provides insights into its current economic assessment and monetary policy intentions. Economists read it like tea leaves, deciphering every word to make predictions. In this latest statement, the pace of economic activity changed from “moderate” to “solid.” This is being interpreted to mean that the job market is still too strong, so more rate hikes can be expected to drive up unemployment.

Future Hikes

Officials forecasted an additional rate hike before the end of the year to bring down inflation. Powell said, “We’re prepared to raise rates further if appropriate.” He kept his comments on future hikes ambiguous. Powell told reporters that future decisions will be based on upcoming economic data. But a looming government shutdown added more uncertainty to the economy. It could limit the Federal Reserve’s ability to get key data and hinder policy making.2

“A resilient US economy and high consumer spending over the next several months will likely prompt the Fed to raise rates again heading into the new year,” said Frank Lietke, executive director and president at Ally Invest Securities.3

Rate Cuts

The Summary of Economic Projections is a consensus of Fed opinions about policy and economic conditions. It showed that most central bank officials now expect fewer rate cuts next year. That is compared to their estimates from last June. Economists anticipate rates to remain elevated for longer. A sharp economic downturn, like a severe recession, would be necessary to prompt more rapid cuts.

They may get that recession. Unemployment is predicted to jump up to 4.5% over the next two years. They did round up their growth projections for 2024. It went from 1.1% in June to 1.5% now. But that growth rate is still lagging behind inflation.

There are numerous negative consequences when growth lags inflation. The purchasing power of individuals and households diminishes. This means that the money people have becomes less valuable over time, making it harder for them to afford the same goods and services they used to. As lingering inflation erodes purchasing power, people may have to allocate more of their income to cover rising costs. This leaves less room for savings and discretionary spending. A lower standard of living, reduced savings, and worse returns on investments are all potential results. The increased uncertainty reduces business investment and hastens deeper recession.

Rate Hikes Paused, For Now

Market Reacts

Both the S&P 500 and the Nasdaq dropped after Federal Reserve Chair Powell said that the central bank did not consider a soft landing a “baseline expectation.” A soft landing is where the US economy avoids a recession but successfully lowers inflation. Powell said avoiding a recession is possible. But he continued that price stability is the Fed’s top priority. Price stability, in the context of the Fed’s mandate, is typically defined as a low and steady rate of inflation. It aims to achieve an inflation rate of around 2 percent over the longer run. Long term high interest rates are seen as bad for business and profitability. Hence, the fall in stock prices.


The Fed’s announcement could create a good long-term position for gold. Prices for the metal have been holding steady despite recent hikes. An eventual reduction in interest rates coupled with lingering inflation create a positive environment for gold prices. Those seeking safe haven from inflation tend to turn away from lower paying Treasuries and towards gold.


According to the Fed, inflation is far from over. And neither are rate hikes despite a few months reprieve. Americans can expect at least one more before year’s end. Economists foresee interest rates staying higher, longer. No one can say when they will be cut. If high interest rates push us into recession, and inflation remains unresolved, we may find ourselves mired in stagflation. Much to the demise of savings, stocks, and retirement funds. For those who want to protect the value of those funds, a Gold IRA may be the right choice. To learn more contact American Hartford Gold today at 800-462-0071.

1. https://cdn.statcdn.com/Infographic/images/normal/21023.jpeg
2. https://www.cnn.com/business/live-news/markets-fed-meeting-september/index.html
3. https://www.cnn.com/business/live-news/markets-fed-meeting-september/index.html

American Hartford Gold Commemorates British Royalty with Iconic Elizabeth & Lion Coins

Elizabeth & Lion Coins

Celebrating Queen Elizabeth II’s 70th Anniversary, this coin marks HM King Charles III first appearance on a coin as king. LOS ANGELES, September 21, 2023  –  American Hartford Gold, the preeminent name in precious metal bars and coins, proudly introduces the Tristan Da Cunha Elizabeth & Lion 2023. Available in Pure Gold or Silver, this … Read more

Gold Cycles and the $5,000 Prediction

Gold Cycles and the $5,000 Prediction

Gold Climb Continues With growing momentum, the gold market is heading to session highs. As it challenges norms, there are indications that we are entering the upswing of a multi-year gold cycle. Prices are predicted to climb, with one forecast calling for gold to hit $5,000 an ounce. Here are a few of the forces … Read more