



Fed Continues Record Setting Interest Rate Hikes

Fed Continues Record Setting Interest Rate Hikes
  • The Federal Reserve raised interest rates .75 percent to fight inflation
  • The Fed will continue raising rates well into next year with the aim of hitting a 2% inflation rate
  • The blistering rate hikes could cause recession, sink stock markets and raise unemployment

Interest Rates Increased by 75 Basis Points for Third Straight Month

Federal Reserve raised interest rates three quarters of a percentage point to fight inflation. This is the third massive interest rate hike in a row. The goal of this rapid escalation is to ease inflation by slowing the economy.

Inflation is at its highest levels since the 1980s. To the shock of the Fed, inflation rose in August. The increase occurred even after two record setting rate hikes. After this rate increase, the rate is now in the 3% – 3.25% range. That is the highest it has been since 2008.1

The Fed indicated they will keep hiking rates to well above the current level. They signaled rates could be raised to 4.6% in 2023. Which means another potential three-quarters point hike in November. Fed Board members don’t expect to cut rates until at least 2024.2

This is the most aggressive tightening cycle as of 1990. Fed Chairman Powell surrendered any hope that inflation was transitory when rates were raised back in March. And after his remarks in Jackson Hole, he has virtually given up on achieving a ‘soft landing’. Instead, he warned of pain coming to households and businesses.

Members of the Federal Reserve Board hope inflation drops down to 5.4% by the end of this year. But when food and energy prices are removed from their calculations, inflation is expected to drop only .1% this year. They don’t plan on reaching their 2% inflation goal until 2025.3

Fed Continues Record Setting Interest Rate Hikes

Effects of Rate Increases

Rate increases make home loans, credit cards and car financing more expensive. Some credit card issuers have hiked up their rates to 20%. Mortgage rates have nearly doubled from one year ago to 6%. Existing home sales plunged in August. That’s the seventh straight monthly drop. Prospective buyers are failing to qualify for mortgages as rates tick up.4

The Fed says they feel comfortable raising rates because of the current low unemployment numbers. They point to an hourly pay increase of 5.2% from last year. What they don’t emphasize is that inflation more than wipes out any wage gains.5 Unemployment is expected to rise to 4.4% by next year from its current 3.7%. Unemployment jumps that large usually go hand in hand with a recession.

The Fed predicts GDP growth slowing to .2% in 2022. That’s down 1.5% from their last estimate in June. Their prediction follows two consecutive quarters of negative growth. In other words, we’re in a technical recession and expect it to continue into next year.

Market experts fear the Fed will slow the economy more than investors expect. Some traders are pricing in the idea that the Fed will give up when they get close enough to their inflation target. That they won’t force a recession to stop inflation. Chairman Powell wants to drive home that there will be no pivot.

“The Fed almost always over-tightens because it uses lagging indicators,” said Tom Porcelli, chief U.S economist with RBC Capital Markets, “It has to wait for everything to be out in the open.”6

The stock market is going to be battered if another 75-basis point hike is issued at the next Fed meeting. The rate increase will create a drastic slowdown in profits and the economy.

The Chief Investment Officer with Citi Global Wealth said, “People haven’t considered the amount of earnings declines and the impact on the markets. There’s a real risk to the economy. It’s why we’re worried about corporate earnings next year.”7

The Federal Reserve has proven that they are committed to stopping inflation at any cost. By continuing this path with wavering, the Fed could cause markets to collapse, unemployment to jump and a severe recession to take hold. The effects on retirement funds could be devastating. There is a way to protect your savings. Ask us about a Gold IRA today to learn more.

1. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/21/fed-rate-hike-september-2022-.html
2. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/21/fed-rate-hike-september-2022-.html
3. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/21/fed-rate-hike-september-2022-.html
4. https://www.foxbusiness.com/economy/fed-meeting-interest-rate-hike-jerome-powell
5. https://www.cnbc.com/2022/09/21/fed-rate-hike-september-2022-.html
6. https://www.cnn.com/business/live-news/stocks-markets-today-fed-rate-hike/index.html
7. https://www.cnn.com/business/live-news/stocks-markets-today-fed-rate-hike/index.html

World Bank Warns of Global Recession

World Bank Warns of Global Recession

Global Recession Predicted by World Bank Central banks around the world are raising interest rates at the same time to fight inflation. A recent World Bank study says this will lead to a global recession in 2023. It will also cause financial crises in developing economies. These crises will result in lasting harm. Global banks … Read more

Stocks Called ‘Worst Thing to Own’ Right Now

Stocks Called ‘Worst Thing to Own Right Now’
  • Stocks plummeted more than 1,000 points on news of rising inflation
  • The real estate market could collapse as the Fed must drive housing prices down to tame inflation
  • Analysts are saying this bond bear market is the worst year in history due to inflation

Stocks in Disarray

Current events are rewriting the investment rule book. Traditionally, a well-balanced and diversified investment portfolio is like a three-legged stool. One leg represents stocks, the second one bonds, and the third leg is real estate. With inflation stuck at a 40 year high, the stool is falling apart.

Stocks had their worst day in more than two years on Tuesday. The market plummeted after the Consumer Price Index data showed that inflation increased in August. All three leading indexes suffered a drop. The Dow fell 1,276 points. The S&P 500 declined 177 points and the Nasdaq slid 632 points. For the year, the Dow is down 14.4%. The S&P 500 has lost 17.49%. And the Nasdaq plunged 25.64% into bear territory. 1

The stubborn inflation numbers made investors sell everything. The 11 sectors of the S&P and all 30 of the Dow Jones equities experienced declines. Traders fear the Fed will be forced to continue raising interest rates to bring inflation down. High interest rates will devalue stocks by damaging corporate profits. There is also a high chance that raising rates will cause a recession.

There is now talk of the Fed issuing an unprecedented 100 bps rate hike. The Fed’s own website says that they must raise interest rates above the core rate of inflation. That means the market is vastly underestimating how high rates will go. Powell has repeatedly confirmed his 2% inflation target. Recession or not, any chance of the Fed pivoting away from their aggressive plan is wishful thinking.

Savita Subramanian is the Bank of America’s Securities head. She says the S&P 500 is the “worst thing to own” in this current high inflation environment. That is, unless you are willing and able to wait 10 years. “If you’re thinking about what’s going to happen between now and let’s say the next 12 months, I don’t think the bottom is in,” she continued. 2

Stocks Called ‘Worst Thing to Own Right Now’

Real Estate and Bond Markets in Trouble

The other two investment legs, real estate and bonds, are looking wobbly as well.

Analysts worry the Fed could crash the housing market. Interest rate hikes can lead to higher mortgage rates. Which could give potential home buyers second thoughts. Housing costs are largely responsible for August’s high inflation numbers. Thus, the Fed is going to focus on forcing housing prices down.

Home sales are already slipping. Sales declined in July for the sixth month in a row. Housing starts are a measure of new home construction. They also plunged in July.

The safety of bonds is evaporating too. Analysts are saying this bond bear market is the worst year in history due to inflation. The Bloomberg Global Aggregate Bond Index down more than 20% from its peak for the first time ever. And it is only set to get worse. 3

The Fed is accelerating their ‘quantitative tightening’(QT). In other words, they are speeding up the process of unloading their balance of almost $9 trillion of Treasuries. They bought the assets to help shore up the economy during the pandemic. Now, QT is threatening the already fragile bond market. The government bond market is considered the bedrock of the global financial system. QT is removing the liquidity from it.

Bank of America has described the Treasury market strains as “arguably . . . one of the greatest threats to global financial stability today, potentially worse than the housing bubble of 2004-2007.”4

These uncertain times are throwing out the traditional investment rule book. Stocks, bonds and real estate are all stumbling. However, gold remains a sturdy safe haven investment. Robert Kiyosaki is the best-selling author of the ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ series. Kiyosaki says to protect your portfolios with “hard assets” like gold and silver as the “biggest crash in history” unfolds.5 To learn more how a Gold IRA can preserve your wealth, contact us today.

1. https://www.financialexpress.com/investing-abroad/featured-stories/us-stocks-suffer-their-worst-day-in-more-than-two-years/2667050/
2. https://markets.businessinsider.com/news/stocks/warren-buffett-investing-advice-sp500-worst-thing-to-own-bofa-2022-9
3. https://www.reuters.com/markets/europe/bond-bear-market-worst-year-history-asset-inflation-bites-2022-09-02/
4. https://www.ft.com/content/70e43592-30d0-4348-916b-673910ad7726
5. https://www.kitco.com/news/2022-09-14/The-biggest-crash-in-history-is-here-protect-your-portfolio-with-gold-silver-and-livestock-Robert-Kiyosaki.html

Billionaires Sound Alarm as Stocks Plunge

Billionaires Sound Alarm as Stocks Plunge

Stocks Drop after Inflation Increases The latest inflation numbers sent the major stock market indexes tumbling. The Bureau of Labor Statistics revealed that the Consumer Price Index increased by 8.3 percent in August. The Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged more than 900 points on the news. Fears that the Fed will intensify its interest rate … Read more

Lose Your Job to Save the Economy

Lose Your Job to Save the Economy
  • The Federal Reserve needs unemployment to increase to bring inflation down
  • The Fed is massively underestimating how high the unemployment rate needs to go
  • With a ‘soft landing’ unlikely, working Americans will pay the price for the Fed’s mistakes

The Fed Likes Unemployment

People going to work is good thing. Unless you are the Federal Reserve. They were happy to see unemployment increase slightly in August. Especially after it had gone down in July and job openings increased to 11.2 million. The Fed is counting on massive job losses to reduce the soaring inflation now hammering the economy. The idea being that increasing unemployment will decrease consumer spending. By removing money from the economy, inflation should go down. Fed Chair Jerome Powell euphemistically called sacrificing other people’s livelihood “softening the labor markets”.1

The Fed’s plan to reduce inflation is a double punch to working Americans. Not only are they at risk of losing their jobs. Skyrocketing interest rates are making it harder to get a mortgage, buy a car, and manage debts. Meanwhile, the August jobs report showed hourly wages increased. This fuels the Fed’s decision to keep raising interest rates. The irony is that those wage increases are basically wiped out by inflation. The Fed is hurting the people that the government’s inflation-causing spending spree was meant to help.

For decades, economists have thought about inflation as an outgrowth of the unemployment rate. They will tell you that when the unemployment rate falls, the inflation rate rises. That’s because workers have the power to bargain for higher wages. These costs then get passed on to consumers. When the unemployment rate rises, inflation should drop. Workers have less leverage in a weak labor market. Ideally, there is a balance point where the rate of unemployment doesn’t increase or decrease inflation. The problem is, no one knows that point until after you’ve passed it.

Powell keeps emphasizes his goal of a ‘soft landing’. He believes inflation can be stopped without going into a recession or causing staggering unemployment. Yet, he has committed to doing whatever it takes to bring inflation under control. History is not on his side. “We’ve had 13 or 14 recessions since World War II, and more than two-thirds of those recessions were caused by the Fed raising the interest rate faster than the economy can handle,” said University of Chicago economist Austan Goolsbee. 2

Lose Your Job to Save the Economy

The Fed Underestimates How High Unemployment Must Go

Larry Summers is a former Treasury Secretary. He is pushing back against Powell’s unfounded optimism. He said we need five years of unemployment above 5% to bring inflation under control. That translates to throwing more than 10 million people out of work. 3

The goal of a soft-landing clashes with a historical fact. Once the unemployment rate increases beyond a certain amount, it tends to keep rising. Since the 1940s, modest increases of half a percentage point spiral to jumps of 2% or more within a year. “Usually, once the labor market gets going downhill, it picks up speed and it goes further downhill,” said Claudia Sahm, a former Fed economist.4

“We don’t seek to put people out of work,” Powell said. “But we also think that you really cannot have the kind of labor market we want without price stability.” If the Fed doesn’t waiver from its 2% inflation goal, unemployment may hit 10%. Powell’s soft landing will be small consolation for millions of people. As former Fed Vice Chairman Alan Blinder said, “To the people that lose their jobs, this is not soft at all.” 5

Job insecurity is growing every day. It is important to make sure your assets are protected from inflation and recession. Contact us about our Gold IRA to learn how it can provide financial security during this economic downturn.

1. https://thenewamerican.com/the-federal-reserve-wants-you-fired/
2. https://www.npr.org/2022/07/24/1112770581/inflation-recession-soft-landing-rates-jobs-fed
3. https://slate.com/business/2022/07/larry-summers-massive-unemployment-fed-inflation.html
4. https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/feds-job-friendly-soft-landing-hinges-history-not-repeating-2022-09-02/
5. https://www.npr.org/2022/07/24/1112770581/inflation-recession-soft-landing-rates-jobs-fed

Retiring in a Bear Market

Retiring in a Bear Market

Bear Market Drags Down Retirement Funds Americans are growing increasingly nervous about their retirement funds. Their nest eggs are being threatened by soaring inflation, rising interest rates and a slowing economy. The value of many retirement funds has fallen as stocks enter a bear market. The S&P 500 is down 21.8% from its peak in … Read more

Gold Could Hit $10,000 by 2030

Gold Could Hit $10,000 by 2030
  • Analysts say lingering inflation and recession will send gold prices to record levels by the end of the decade
  • Numerous global economic forces are sending investors looking for safe haven assets like gold
  • In the near term, gold is forecast to break $2,000 an ounce

Gold Demand Will Send Prices to New Highs

Gold hit record highs this year. And according to recent reports, those records are set to be broken. Analysts say gold is on track to end the year above $2,000 an ounce. It could rise to nearly $5,000 an ounce by the end of the decade according to the “In Gold We Trust Report” from Incrementum AG. The nearly 400-page “In Gold We Trust report” is world-renowned. It has been dubbed the “gold standard of all gold studies” by the Wall Street Journal. 1

Inflation has already caused stocks to lose value. The Nasdaq has lost 25% of its value this year. The report presents the case that inflation and recession will power a gold bull market. Gold will be sought as a hedge against the losses caused by the two forces.

The report lays out the numerous challenges driving investors to the safe haven of gold. The report predicts inflation and recession will combine to create a period of extended stagflation. It said the ‘Everything Bubble’ will turn into the ‘Everything Crash’. Supply chain snags will continue to drive up prices. And the push for deglobalization will also fuel inflation.

Meanwhile, the Ukraine war will keep up pressure on oil and food prices. Rising interest rates and a collapsing housing market will grind economic growth to a halt. And a price-wage spiral, a cycle where an increase in one causes an increase in the other, has already begun.

Sanctions also powered the demand for gold. As countries fight and currencies are politicized, gold remains politically neutral, has no counterparty risk and is very liquid. Central banks are acquiring gold at a breakneck pace.

Overall, the bleak economic picture creates a good backdrop for gold. The diversification between stocks and bonds of traditional portfolios won’t be enough to stem losses. They will need gold as a hedge. Gold rises during both inflation and recession. In the last 90 years, there have been only four years when both US stocks and bonds posted negative annual performance. Currently, all indications are that 2022 could be the fifth year.2

Gold Could Hit $10,000 by 2030

Predicted Gold Prices

The “In Gold We Trust” report forecasts gold will hit $4,800 by 2030. Pierre Lassonde is an eminent mining expert and CEO of Firelight investments. His gold price predictions are even higher. Due to unstoppable inflation, he predicts gold will hit $2,200-$2,400 an ounce in the mid-term. In the long term, gold could go as high as $10,000 an ounce. He based this estimate on the Dow to Gold ratio. The Dow to Gold ratio indicates the number of ounces of gold it takes to buy the shares in the Dow Jones Industrial Average index. He said the Dow to Gold ratio could converge to 2:1. If the Dow Jones contracts 20-30%, which is possible in an extended recession, that would send gold to $10,000 an ounce. 3

Based on these forecasts, buying gold today could be a wealth generating investment. However, the demand for gold is ultimately derived from its safe haven qualities. If you are looking to preserve your wealth, then you should learn more about our Gold IRA. Contact us today.

1. https://ingoldwetrust.report//wp-content/uploads/2022/05/In-Gold-We-Trust-report-2022-Compact-Version-english.pdf
2. https://ingoldwetrust.report//wp-content/uploads/2022/05/In-Gold-We-Trust-report-2022-Compact-Version-english.pdf
3. https://www.kitco.com/news/2022-02-28/Pierre-Lassonde-predicts-200-oil-price-and-2-400-gold-price-in-a-month-as-Putin-s-war-drags-out.html

Stocks Sink on Promise of Rate Hikes

Stocks Sink on Promise of Rate Hikes

Powell States Interest Rate Hikes to Continue In under 10 minutes, Federal Reserve Chairman Powell crushed the recent stock market rally. He spoke briefly at the Jackson Hole Economic Symposium. Powell addressed the inflation that is still running at a 40-year high. He said the central bank is willing to take “forceful and rapid” steps … Read more

The End of Dollar Supremacy

The End of Dollar Supremacy
  • Inflation and sanctions are speeding up the process of “dedollarization” around the world
  • Russia and China are taking steps to eliminate the supremacy of the US Dollar
  • Central banks and investors are moving towards gold and away from the Dollar

Dedollarization Speeds Up

The US dollar hit record highs last month. The greenback’s gains have been fueled by a combination of higher central bank interest rates, haven buying, and recession concerns. But this may be the dollar’s last gasp. Dollar supremacy could be coming to an end. Changing global conditions are speeding up the process known as “dedollarization”.

Dedollarization is the process of other countries moving away from using American dollars. The American dollar became the supreme currency after World War 2. It became the basis for rebuilding the global economy. In the process, the dollar cemented the United States’ superpower role.

But the state of the world has changed dramatically since World War 2. Countries are rejecting the primacy of the American dollar. And this does not bode well for the American economy.

Russia and China started real dedollarization after 2014. Russia had annexed Crimea and was sanctioned by the West. Russia turned to China. They started trading in the yuan to sidestep the sanctions. China was then pushed closer to Russia after the US imposed billions in tariffs on Chinese goods.

The US turned their currency into a weapon and wound up cutting themselves. China and Russia have since cut their use of the dollar for trade in half. Before 2015, 90% of trade was in dollars. Now, it is at 46%. They moved from the dollar to using their own currencies – rubles and yuan.1

The End of Dollar Supremacy

Sanction’s Unintended Consequences

Sanctions made Russia’s access to their foreign reserves of US dollar inaccessible. So, they accumulated Chinese yuan as a reserve currency instead. They now own one quarter of the world’s yuan reserves. Russia has also allowed the purchase of Chinese bonds. In addition, Russia is making bilateral deals around the world that are based in rubles instead of dollars.

Jeffery Frankel is an economist at Harvard University. He warned that while the dollar’s position is secure for now, spiraling debts and an overly aggressive sanctions policy could erode its supremacy in the long run.

“Sanctions are a very powerful instrument for the United States, but like any tool, you run the risk that others will start looking for alternatives if you overdo them,” he said. “I think it would be foolish to assume that it’s written in stone that the dollar will forever be unchallenged as the number one international currency.”2

China Asserts Its Currency

The Chinese government is strategizing how to avoid the sanctions that hit Russia. They are thinking about dumping their US dollar reserves preemptively. China has world’s largest US dollar reserves at $3.2 trillion. If they drop their dollars, it’s the beginning of end of the dollar as the world’s reserve currency.

And it’s not just China and Russia that are getting rid of their US dollar reserves. The IMF said central banks today are not holding the greenback as reserves in the same quantities as yesteryear. “The dollar’s share of global foreign-exchange reserves fell below 59 percent in the final quarter of last year, extending a two-decade decline.”3

China is also shedding the amount of US debt they buy. The US props up its currency by issuing government debt to other nations to finance its deficit. China rescued the US during the 2008 global financial crisis by purchasing enormous quantities of US Treasury bills. As of last month, China had cut the amount of debt they owned in half. If China stops buying debt, the United States government might not be able to continue functioning. The value of the dollar would plummet, and taxes would soar.

Most alarming is the potential move away from the petrodollar. The US dollar is powerful because, in part, it is the de facto currency for oil sales. That got shaken when China and Saudi Arabia started talking about using the yuan to buy oil. China is the biggest buyer of Saudi oil. Doing so would undermine the power the petrodollar gives the United States.

What’s does this all hold for the future of the US economy? Dedollarization would show a loss of confidence in the US currency as a safe haven. The value of the dollar could drop drastically. Americans could expect inflation, recession, and wild stock volatility. Retirement funds could be wiped out. The US will lose its status as the sole superpower.

As the dollar drops, investors will seek safety in alternative assets, such as gold and other currencies. A survey published in June by the World Gold Council found that 80 percent of the central banks expect to expand their gold reserves within the next year. The survey said central banks are now less confident in the role of the US dollar as a global reserve currency.4

If you want to protect your wealth like the central banks, then you should consider the Gold IRA from American Hartford Gold. It is designed to shield your retirement funds from the effects of dedollarization. Contact us today to learn more at 800-462-0071

1. https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/China-and-Russia-ditch-dollar-in-move-toward-financial-alliance
2. https://asia.nikkei.com/Politics/International-relations/China-and-Russia-ditch-dollar-in-move-toward-financial-alliance
3. https://internationalbanker.com/finance/we-are-witnessing-a-global-de-dollarisation-spree/
4. https://internationalbanker.com/finance/we-are-witnessing-a-global-de-dollarisation-spree/

Business Leaders and Economists Predict a Hard Fall

Business Leaders and Economists Predict a Hard Fall

Experts Foresee Recession and Continuing Inflation Summer is coming to an end. And both business leaders and economists are predicting a hard fall. Surveys of both groups see recession, dropping stock prices and continued high inflation lasting into the near future. Stifel Financial surveyed corporate executives, business owners and private equity investors. 97% said we … Read more

Prepare to Get Audited

Prepare to Get Audited
  • The recently passed Inflation Reduction Act drastically increases the number of IRS employees
  • Despite promises to the contrary, new IRS audits will most likely target middle- and low-income Americans
  • A Gold IRA can help shield savings from a newly empowered IRS

The Inflation Reduction Funds the IRS

Joe Biden just signed the poorly named Inflation Reduction Act into law. Many economists agree that the law will do little to reduce inflation. What it will do is give $80 billion to the IRS to hire 87,000 new employees. As a result, Americans should prepare for an onslaught of new tax audits.1

Democratic leadership says middle-income Americans have nothing to fear. They say audits won’t increase in regularity for anyone making less than $400,000 a year. Yet, the same Democrats torpedoed an attempt to codify such language into the bill. There is nothing to stop the IRS from targeting average Americans. Nothing except the promises of politicians desperate to win their midterm elections. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was asked about the bill’s impact. She did not dispute that more middle-class and low-income earners might face audits.

Statistically, the IRS most often targets disadvantaged individuals and communities. Low-income individuals have less ability to contest audits. They do not have the armies of attorneys available to the super wealthy.

Prepare to Get Audited

IRS Audits Will Continue to Focus on Low- and Middle-Income Americans

The Government Accountability Office studied the IRS. They said, “From fiscal years 2010 to 2021, the majority of the additional taxes IRS recommended from audits came from taxpayers with incomes below $200,000. Audits of the lowest-income taxpayers resulted in higher amounts of recommended additional tax per audit hour compared to all income groups except for the highest-income taxpayers.”2

The Joint Committee on Taxation expects the taxes on households earning between $50,000 and $75,000 to increase. But households earning more than $1 million might actually get a tax break. They also said up to 90 percent of the money raised from underreported income will come from Americans earning less than $200,000. The Congressional Budget Office studied the Act. They said $20 billion of the Act’s promised revenue will come from audits of taxpayers making less than $400,000.3

A House GOP analysis studied the Act using historic audit rates. It found Americans with an annual income of less than $75,000 would be subject to more than 700,000 new IRS audits. By comparison, individuals making more than $500,000 will receive about 95,000 new audits.4

The Inflation Reduction Act doesn’t fix any of the structural problems with the IRS. It gives them more resources to enforce the convoluted loophole-filled tax laws. Laws that the wealthy know how to dodge. Most middle- and low-income Americans don’t have high priced attorneys to defend them. They soon find liens placed on their property, bank accounts frozen and wages garnished. Punitive actions that occur long before someone has a chance to defend themselves in court. Right or wrong, it is easier to pay them off.

National Taxpayers Union EVP Brandon Arnold said, “A lot of taxpayers don’t want to fight the IRS. They don’t have the time, they don’t have the money to fight the IRS. So they’ll roll over and pay those relatively small amounts, and that’ll squeeze a lot of money out of taxpayers just by harassment.”5

The Inflationary Reduction Act isn’t about making billionaires pay their ‘fair share’. The IRS isn’t here to make sure you get a refund or a tax break. Instead, a bulked-up group of new IRS enforcers will audit regular Americans to justify their $80 billion government gift. You can protect your income from aggressive government overreach. A Gold IRA offers the wealth-building power of tax-deferment. It also provides the wealth protection features of physical gold. Once established, taxes on gains are deferred until your metals are withdrawn from the account or sold. Contact us to learn more today.

1. https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/yes-progressives-also-should-be-worried-about-87000-new-irs-agents
2. https://www.gao.gov/products/gao-22-104960#:~:text=In%20recent%20years%2C%20IRS%20audited,incomes%20of%20%24200%2C000%20or%20more.
3. https://thenevadaindependent.com/article/yes-progressives-also-should-be-worried-about-87000-new-irs-agents
4. https://nypost.com/2022/08/16/ex-irs-whistleblower-says-middle-class-targeted-under-inflation-bill/
5. https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/highly-suspicious-democrats-bill-beefed-up-irs-means-more-audits-taxpayers-union-exec-warns