



Inflation is Causing Americans Financial Hardship

inflation emergency fund

Despite Fed Chairman Jerome Powell deciding to retire calling inflation, “transitory,” Americans have their hands tied when it comes to paying higher prices on everyday goods and services. If it seems as though the Fed is trying to backtrack on their own narrative they’ve had for most of the year– it’s likely because they are. … Read more

Americans Are Buying More Gold for the Holidays

americans buying gold

This holiday season, rather than spending money on gifts that could quickly lose a child’s interest, Americans are turning to more long-term offerings. Given the current economic uncertainty we’re facing, it’s no wonder the trend has become especially popular this year. While there are many factors contributing to the cause, perhaps the most apparent one … Read more

The Federal Reserve: It’s Time To Retire the Word ‘Transitory’ on Inflation

federal reserve inflation

Shortly after the onset of the pandemic last year, inflation became a hot topic among many. What we have been warning readers to watch out for was just confirmed true by the source itself. Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell, admitted that inflation is proving to be more powerful and persistent than expected. One of the … Read more

Report Finds Build Back Better May Hike Taxes on Middle-Class

tax increase

If you’re anything like us, we have been wondering just how President Biden’s pledge that no American earning less than $400,000 would pay “a single penny” in additional taxes due to the Build Back Better agenda would be realistically possible. We’ve heard this repeated many times since the plan’s proposal, and, just as we thought, … Read more

1.25 oz Silver Rose Crown Guinea

The Guinea is one of the world’s most respected coinages in history carrying with it a reputation of trust and purity. A symbol of Britain’s rising colonial power, the Guinea was recognized and accepted throughout the world for its purity and reliability, treasured by merchants as they traveled the world on East India Company ships.

The Rose Crown Guinea design was introduced by King George II taking its name from the elaborated decorated crowned shield of the Royal Arms design which was commonly compared to an open rose. During his 33-year reign, King George H’s coinage included various Guineas struck with eight different obverses and five different reverses.