



Experts Brace for a Massive Market Crash as the COVID Pandemic Is Not Over

stock bubble

Regardless of your political views and/or beliefs, it’s more than likely safe to say that everyone is ready to see COVID-19 be a thing of the past. Unfortunately, according to a recently conducted survey of experts in 28 countries, mutations of the coronavirus could render current vaccines ineffective within a year. 33% of those experts … Read more

Billionaire Investor Mark Mobius’ Bullish Outlook on Precious Metals

gold bull market

Gold is the way to go, according to one billionaire investor. Mark Mobius, executive chairman of Templeton Emerging Markets Group and founder of Mobius Capital Partners, said this nearly two years ago. And his sentiment for the precious metal hasn’t changed. In a CNBC interview earlier this month, he stated, “You’ve got to be in … Read more

Biden’s Plan to Raise Federal Taxes

tax hike

For those of us who have been wondering how the stimulus packages are going to be funded, well, we now have some answers. On Monday afternoon, White House press secretary Jen Psaki confirmed President Biden’s initial campaign promises to hike corporate and personal tax rates via an ambitious infrastructure, jobs, and clean energy package. The … Read more

CBO Warns Federal Debt to Double by 2051

febral debt

The United States is on the brink of hitting a monumental “milestone” as a country. The total national debt is severely close to breaking $28 trillion. Oddly enough, this is a fact (glooming one at that) that seems only to resonate or matter to some when in fact, it should matter to everyone living in … Read more

How Gold Differs From Bitcoin

gold vs bitcoin

To say that millions of Americans have lost trust and now fear the outcome of the government’s loose spending over the past twelve months would be an understatement. Paired with small business “force” downs, high unemployment numbers, and a new office that seems dedicated to driving us further into debt- the majority of the population … Read more

Is a Stock Market Crash Coming?

stock market crash

If the past year hasn’t been hectic enough, we are now on the brink of facing what some consider to be a repeat of the dot-com bubble. Various esteemed investors and financial institutions across many sectors all have their own opinion as to why this may be the case. One of the most famous opinions … Read more