



2020 Election & COVID-19…It’s Not Over Yet


The Associated Press called the presidential race for Joe Biden on Saturday morning. Half of America is celebrating the results while the other half is questioning the legitimacy of the current ballot-counting process. Biden delivered a “pre” victory speech with supporters flooding the streets to express their support, yet, the country may be weeks away … Read more

Is Gold the Key to Lead Economies Into Recovery?

gold currency

With increased fears of uncertainty with the upcoming election, talks of additional stimulus and the chance of a second wave of coronavirus emerging amid flu season, one can’t help but wonder how hard the hit to our economy will be? To start, take a look at central banks. They’re ‘printing money’ and creating large amounts … Read more

Multi-Billionaire Predicts a Weaker Dollar and Massive Market Crash Ahead

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When it comes to finances, who better to listen to than a billionaire who’s accumulated his wealth through first-hand experience? Multi-billionaire Jeffrey Gundlach, CEO of DoubleLine Capital investment firm, has been labeled “The Bond King” for good reason. It’s safe to say he’s an expert in his field. Gundlach believes there is a vast market … Read more

A Second Economic Stimulus Package Could Give Gold a Bullish Run


Election years have always proven to have controlling effects on the markets, and although the same could be said for this election, the circumstances we are facing are different, much different. The American economy was booming until COVID hit. Every sector, business, market, commodity, etc. felt its impacts. Then, the $2.2 trillion stimulus package, or … Read more

Biden’s 401(k) Reform and What It Could Mean for You

biden 401k tax

401(k)’s could soon be undergoing a drastic “update,” depending on who is elected as our 46th president. Former Vice President and 2020 presidential contender Joe Biden has vocalized his intent to make 401(k)’s as beneficial for low-to middle-income workers as they have been for higher-income families. When asked about Joe Biden’s plan, Jamie Hopkins, Director … Read more

How The Federal Reserve’s Policy Invites Inflation and Threatens Retirement Plans


The Federal Reserve has announced to keep the interest rates low despite expected inflation of 2%. Dallas Fed President Robert Kaplan announced that inflation could range between an annual rate between 2.25% and 2.5%. Low-interest rates have been evident in the recent economy and the Federal Reserve keeps decreasing the interest rates on an annual … Read more