Silver Is Up 74% in a Year, Rising Investment Demand
The silver market has been stealing the show from its more famous cousin, gold. The increase in demand for silver has caused it to soar
The silver market has been stealing the show from its more famous cousin, gold. The increase in demand for silver has caused it to soar
Despite their individual growth rate (or lack thereof), assets across all markets usually share one pattern in common: growth followed by retracement. Strong performing assets
Each day, more economists and savvy billionaires are beginning to vocalize their thoughts on the current state of the economy and particularly on the word
Despite the Fed’s and particular economists’ “everything is fine, don’t worry” attitude, Americans are doing the exact opposite when it comes to inflation numbers. In
Despite mainstream media’s attempt at downplaying the truth about inflation and the actual state of our economy, esteemed investors like Warren Buffett are speaking out.
In late January, a group dubbed “The Reddit Army” unexpectedly placed their focus and dollars into the precious metals market due to their beliefs of
In 2020 when gold surpassed its all-time high price, many pegged this to multiple factors, with the COVID-19 pandemic being the main culprit. Fear, uncertainty,
For decades the United States Dollar has been considered ‘the’ global currency. Every country in the world respected, trusted and held our dollar in high
Do you plan on living until 2031? Although the date may sound like one out of a sci-fi movie, ten years isn’t that far off
Many economists anticipate that our economy will see its most significant growth this year since 1984. This sounds like fantastic news until one major factor
At times such as the ones we are currently experiencing, the last thing we need is for our central bank to be divided. Unfortunately, that’s
To say that we are living in odd times would be an understatement. The Wall Street vs. retail investors war, company stocks grossly overvalued, and