



Election Special: Is Your Retirement “Clinton Proof”?

Hillary Clinton has clinched the Democratic nomination and has received the endorsement of President Obama. What could this mean for your retirement? Regardless of who you think might win the election in the fall, you’re going to want to be prepared either way. Let’s take a look at where candidate Clinton stands on taxes, jobs … Read more

Federal Reserve Update: Is my gold at risk?

It is decision time for the U.S. Federal Reserve. Policymakers will meet in mid-June to decide whether to raise interest rates: something that has only happened twice in the last decade as our economy has struggled. The financial media is obsessed with what the Federal Reserve is going to do. Will the Fed raise rates? … Read more

Peter Boockvar: $1900 gold ahead

As you look around you today, it isn’t hard to see why gold and silver are doing well in 2016 and other markets are not. The presidential election cycle is dialing up fast with an electorate that is bitterly divided. Lots of mixed signals in the markets and volatility everywhere. Wondering what to do? When … Read more

Congressman: Government Bungling Could Destroy Your Retirement

According to a well-known Congressman, nothing is more potentially dangerous than a broke and desperate government. Is America in that state? Maybe not yet, but it surely will be soon… our ever-growing pile of federal debt can only end in a real currency crisis. Other nations and their citizens are simply losing faith in the … Read more

Latest Silver Forecasts

“The fundamentals for silver remain fairly sound; demand is expected to grow around 2% next year, while production is expected to fall around 2.7%.” Scotiabank, Precious Metals 2016 Forecast, 12/15. “The silver market saw record demand in 2015, with the jewelry, coin and bar, and photovoltaic sectors posting new highs, helping to boost silver demand … Read more

Breaking News: Gold Flirts with $1,300/oz

Last week, the price of an ounce of gold closed just shy of $1,300/oz, notching a gain of over 20% in 2016. Gold has performed better than stocks, bonds and all the other major asset classes. Gold’s impressive rise has been propelled by three key trends: “Flight to safety” with turbulence hitting the stock market … Read more

Why is gold up 21% in 2016?

As we close the book on April, many investors are wondering: Why is stock market growth so stagnant while “alternative” investments like gold and silver are up over 20%? In a nutshell, financial market uncertainty is rising and fears of recession are growing. In fact, billionaire investor Carl Icahn recently warned about looming recession and … Read more

Meet “The Feds”…A Family that Spends like the U.S. Gov’t

Meet “the Feds,” an imaginary American family that spends like the U.S. government. On the surface, the Fed family seems to be the richest household around: they own the largest mansion, print their own currency and are believed to be ageless. Envious yet? Don’t be. If you ran your household’s finances like the Feds, you … Read more